Dermoscopy Excellence 2022
International Masterclass
Rome | 1st – 3rd September 2022
NH Collection Roma Centro – Via dei Gracchi 324, Roma
The Dermoscopy Excellence 2022 focus: The masterclass offers an intensive and detailed teaching of dermoscopy with 2 primary aims: First, to provide the students with all available theoretical knowledge on dermoscopic criteria and, second, to guide them on how to integrate this knowledge and profitably use dermoscopy in their daily practice.
Giuseppe Argenziano
Aimilios Lallas
24 Crediti ECM
Alessandra Sbaffi
Medico chirurgo: dermatologia e venereologia
Descrizione evento:
The Dermoscopy Excellence 2022 focus: The masterclass offers an intensive and detailed teaching of dermoscopy with 2 primary aims: First, to provide the students with all available theoretical knowledge on dermoscopic criteria and, second, to guide them on how to integrate this knowledge and profitably use dermoscopy in their daily practice.
Our message:
Spending a significant part of our everyday work on teaching activities on dermoscopy, we are commonly faced with the increasing demand of colleagues for a structured, complete and fast dermoscopy training.
Since disseminating knowledge and experience on our beloved method represents for us a supreme task, we decided to offer this masterclass to all colleagues interested in deeply learning dermoscopy.
We are committed to provide a personalized training, trying to ensure that all available and essential knowledge on dermoscopy will be delivered to each one of the participants. For this reason, the number of participants in each masterclass has to remain small.
Our principal aims always were to promote dermoscopy and to offer something valuable to our colleagues and, through them, to our patients. We hope and believe that Dermoscopy excellence adequately serves both aims.
Looking forward to welcoming you in our masterclass
by G. Argenziano and A. Lallas
Eligible participants:
No selection criteria will be applied for participation. However, a basic knowledge of dermoscopy is recommended.
The maximum number of participants each year is 70.